Examples of Strong Personal Marketing Statements
These personal marketing statements examples are phrases that you may use when you think about self marketing as being about how to add value, what you need is a value proposition. The elements on this page: your summary profile, your career overview and your key strengths statements all become part of this approach.
The ideal value proposition is concise and appeals to the customer’s (the hiring manager’s) strongest decision-making drivers.
A value proposition is a short statement that tells your prospective boss why she should buy your skills and experience and your career overview self marketing statement, which is the real answer to ‘tell me about yourself’ should be exactly that; communicated effectively it will achieve optimal results.
Add Value Rather Than Taking…
A strong and differentiated value proposition can go a long way to position you to succeed in your target market as it opens the door so that someone might be willing to meet with you.
It should create a strong differentiation between you and your competitors for the same job and align your background more closely to their needs, creating interest, so that your interviewer wants to learn more from you.
Focus on adding value to the prospective employer’s organisation, rather than your own career goals and you will achieve a better end result.
Find out how you can develop a style of personal branding that will be worthy of remark and get people’s attention to help you get your message across.
Personal Marketing Statements Examples
Your ‘Elevator Pitch’
You’ve got maybe 30 seconds to deliver a pitch that illustrates who you are, what you do, and the unique benefits of you to an employer:
- What you are in terms of your job type;
- What you have done – a couple of quantified achievements;
- What you can do – your value proposition;
- You core strengths – key competencies;
It must only last for approximately 30 seconds and not be boring.
Your Career Overview
In most cases this is the answer to the “Tell me about yourself” question and should be arranged something like this statement, all within 3 minutes:
- Must have an interesting storyline
- Highlights your strengths and achievements
- Is keyed into the needs of the buyer
- Is lucid, clear and succinct
- Include a brief version of your leaving story
- Lasts for approximately 3 minutes
“Tell me about yourself”
This is by far the most common job interview question and is often the first thing that is actually asked of you. You need to have a short yet concise answer, so that you do not babble on and aggravate the interviewer.
However, do not over rehearse your Personal Marketing Statements, as this will become evident when you start talking. The best way around this is to use bullet points on a piece of paper that you can build upon (but only use this for preparation – do not take this piece of paper into the interview).
Remember that the aim of this question is to find out your skills and suitability for the position. It’s not the same as when out on a date and the other person asks this same question; in an interview, the hiring manager wants to know who you are in a more professional sense…they don’t care if you’ve got 3 cats and like to ice skate.
They do care about your attitude, career aspirations and previous achievements so your top interview answers must include them; use your personal marketing skills.
This also works really well as part of a Telephone Presentation when you are networking for jobs – although some people may need first to overcome their apparent telephone phobia for using the phone to sell themselves.
Your Exit Statement
An “Exit” statement is used to express positively why you left (or are leaving) your last job and helps to protect you from the emotions of a difficult job loss. Some thoughtless interviewers try to put pressure on by asking questions like:
“Why did they get rid of you?”
“Why did they make you redundant?”
Your exit statement might go like this:
“Following a difficult year for the business, the directors decided to reduce the number of staff in the manufacturing division. A number of people including me were affected, but I understand the reasons for the decision and don’t regret my time working there. I learnt a lot and had some very good colleagues. I also know I have developed a good range of skills so I’m pleased to be here to discuss this job with you today.”
See how you can make a clear statement that satisfies the interviewer but also leaves it looking forward positively.
You can answer this question with confidence when you’ve prepared an exit statement that gives the facts in a positive light and leaves you in control.
Your Key Strengths Statement
This is a statement as a summary of your most powerful skills and attributes, think about the core competencies we use to point up your unique skill set on your CV.
This page has two very good examples of Key Strengths statements so give some thought to yours now using the tips I’ve given you.
Get some examples of how to present these key skills on your CV in readiness for your job application.
Your personal marketing skills will be transformed and are the key to these personal marketing statements
I should also point out to you that every opportunity to market yourself, using your personal marketing skills and reinforce your suitability should be used ruthlessly and thank you letters after the interview can be used to do precisely that.
And when it comes to it you can use these negotiation strategies to help you win the best job offer and salary package.
What you must think about is POTENTIAL so don’t just talk about past successes, although its a good indicator of future performance, for the most successful personal marketing you should identify clearly the areas where you will deliver more than what you previously did, showing more of what you will do in future.
As I hope you can see, Personal Marketing Statements that are well prepared can be the key to interviewers or hiring managers understanding why you are the best candidate to hire for the job.
And I hope that this page will help you to ‘sell yourself‘, but you know what?
Everything you say – think about a behavioural interview for example – or write is based on your words which are the most powerful weapons in your career design armoury.
Quite simply they are are what will build your career or your business for you. Words are the building blocks of information that people are interested in, see more about personal branding.
When it comes to creating your future through career change or starting a business, your words are what really make people sit up and take notice.
This is also why a LinkedIn Profile helps to create a strong differentiation between you and your competitors for the same jobs and demonstrate how your background closely matches potential employers’ needs, creating interest, so that they want to learn more about you.